Why Consistency Wins over Hustling

We build trust with our communities and our clients in the same way.

By consistently showing up.

But notice what I didn’t say: consistently showing up




That’s the “hustle culture” way to completely burn yourself out.

That would be like promising my dog 5 long walks a day AND a trip to the park AND fetch every single day.

That would completely outstrip my capacity.

So instead of trying to be consistent 100% of the time to 100% of your capacity…. what actions you can really take consistently?

1) Focus on what matters

Be incredibly honest about what’s creating impact in your business. Are you creating impact with social media, speaking engagements, hosting your own podcast or community? Or are 1:1 connections, consistent emails, and hosting regular events creating impact? Really evaluate this for you and your business.

2) Decide a level of output that works for you

Some digital writers I follow post 3 times a day on multiple social media channels. And I forget that that flywheel and level of effort works when your product is how to be a digital writer.

But I’m seeing more and more people lately rebel against constant content creation and launches. Because they are seeing their work benefit from longer-form work instead of the content creation hamster wheel.

So be honest: how frequently can you - and do you need to - do your chosen activities in your business? What is the level of effort you can consistently sustain that won’t burn you out?

3) Match the form to your gifts

Don’t like writing? Maybe your consistent way to be in touch is consistently hosting a gathering or being on video.

Don’t like being on video? Be thoughtfully crafting consistent written work.

Don’t like doing your finances or sales outreach? Get a friend involved and co-work together with a regular date.

4) Stay at this level of effort for at least a season

You need time to build trust with yourself and with your audience. It’s the myth of “2-day shipping” that you will stay consistent and in 1-2 weeks everyone will magically notice. Stay the course for what you’ve decided to focus on, at the frequency you can sustain, for a whole season and see what magic occurs.

What are you stopping in your business so you can stay consistent with what matters?


The Power of Bingeable Content


Avoiding the “Resulting” Trap and evaluating the Quality of our plans