The ‘perfect business formula’ isn’t all that perfect.

It’s the cookie-cutter, good-girl set of rules you’re supposed to obey if you want to do business “the right way”.  It’s a templated, sanitized, “easy” business model that you’re supposed to follow - and it has no room for your own inner knowing, judgment, self-trust, or personal power. A formula that’s easy to teach (for the coach) but leaves you without the deep integration for you to create those promised results.

Still, doesn’t it look so shiny and tempting?

“You’ll make a ton of money in a matter of months as long as you follow our very-expensive-to-access formula.”

Have you heard this a million times before?

There’s an entire industry claiming to support women-owned businesses:

“We promise you time and financial freedom. We promise ease and joy. We promise you can do the work you love and live the life you desire.”

We are taught that there’s a formula the “Perfect Business.”

There are prescribed steps and a known script to become palatable, become scalable, become efficient and productized that create results…if you’re willing to play along with the formula.

  • The formula insists that we conform to socially acceptable “mythical norm” beliefs and images.

  • The formula dictates an expected outcome and pace with no margin for error.

  • The formula must be followed! Otherwise the problem is you and your obedience.

  • The formula is primarily concerned with optics instead of impact.

  • The formula recommends manipulative techniques and social triggers to generate sales.

  • The formula requires we perpetually rely on the leader to point out our mistakes.

  • The formula requires us to be a photocopy, not the original masterpiece.

But “playing along”, for women, can be a recipe for disaster. The more we play along, the more our bodies start to fall apart from burnout. The more we play along, the less we trust ourselves. We ultimately have to condition ourselves into a box so we can get the results the Perfect Business Formula promises.

But those results come at a cost:

  • We ignore our bodies and grind it out

  • We no longer trust ourselves and are always seeking the next expert or next silver bullet

  • We’ve built an individualized business that extracts from our environment

  • We often buffer and numb out in a big way

  • Our businesses are cookie-cutter and fungible

The Perfect Business Formula doesn’t just exist in the entrepreneurship space. At school and work, we’re given grades, ratings, and promotions by following the scripts. 

  • Get that perfect grade and ace the test so you can excel.

  • Raise your hand, but don’t be too loud.

  • Be curious, but don’t question your superiors.

  • Put your head down and get the job done, regardless of the impact on your body or other responsibilities.

  • Efficiency is king; Data and facts and logic above all.

Most of us start our businesses to escape these frustrating, dehumanizing formulas and scripts.

Why then would we build another version of that same formula into our own businesses? 

Of course, on a conscious level, that’s NOT what we want to do.

But sometimes we don’t even realize that’s what we’re doing.

Here are some of the things to watch out for. 

What is the “perfect business formula”?


Just follow these easy steps across the elements of your business to get that 6+ or 7+ figure business. Short-term growth, always up and to the right, with constant, relentless growth.


From the image you put on social media, to the interactions you have with your customers - success requires a perfect performance. We play the part of the successful business owner, with the right look and the right attitude.


Please your customers, your audience, the algorithm, your coaches by being safe, sanitized, and putting their needs before yours.


The formula requires constant working, an increased level of production. It’s predicated on efficiency and speed. Let’s get more done!

Personal-Profit Centered

We celebrate how much money you’re bringing in, or how much money you are personally keeping - because that’s how the formula shows results.


We get concerned with doing it “right” and following the formula. We seek permission from others to move forward, for validation, for approval.

This is the “Perfect Business Formula”

This is what’s getting in the way of your business success.

This is why you aren’t comfortable.

Those selling the Perfect Business Formulas get in your head about how to do it and convince you that you are not right.

What’s the alternative to the “Perfect Business Formula”? 

A Radical and Rooted Business.

The Perfect Business Formula doesn’t need you inside it. Anyone will do.

The Radical and Rooted Business, on the other hand, is about you. It has substance. It’s rooted in trust and your soul’s permissions. It’s anchored to your callings, your capacity, your desires. It derives power from you, your ground, your extended resources. It invites depth, curiosity, intuition and trust. It’s disruptive to extractive business norms.

A Radical and Rooted Business is a right-sized business. A you-shaped business.

We think The Perfect Business is a safer bet. An “expert” path, proven to make money and gain success. But what really happens? We end up grinding in a formula that doesn’t fit, playing along with a script that doesn’t match our souls, and continuing to pay for coaches and courses because you never found the “right” solution to your problems. Burning out after a short term sprint of setting unachievable goals.

So let’s build you a Radical and Rooted Business.

A business where you reclaim your inner authority, wisdom, and trust.

A business that is sustainable for the long-run, grounded in relationships.

We plant and grow the business around you. We don’t pull you out of your grounding to put you in a sanitized sandbox. We are going to grow the conditions of sustainability around you.

This is how we create true ease, embodiment, equity - and earnings!

What are the qualities of a radical and rooted business?

From Prescriptive to Foundational

You define your soul’s calling and your path so you can build a strong business foundation and fundamental tools. You’ll build strong business practices that ensure long-term sustainability.

From Performative to Grounded

You get self-aware and remember your definition of success, re-wild your intuition, and connect with your deep sources of power. You’ll stop “pushing” in your business and design practices where you can show up fully as your whole self.

From People-Pleasing to a Reclamation

You’ll reclaim your voice, your power, your north star, your needs, your beliefs. You’ll become unstoppable, with a clearer message in your marketing, sales calls that convert, and a seamless client process that will generate referrals.

From Productive to Seasonal and Cyclical

You’ll embrace your capacity and energy to be in flow and rest. You embrace natural rhythms, rituals, and cycles as you navigate the ups and downs of our businesses. You’ll stop feeling shame and guilt about “failure” and embrace faith and confidence in the journey.

From Personal Profit-Centered to Community-Centered

You exist as part of an ecosystem and recognize your impact on the broader environment. You embrace your interdependence and resources. You’ll stop participating in the destruction of our culture and start being a part of collective thriving.

From Permission-Seeking to Permission-Granted

You grant your own permission to step into your power. You move from seeking approval to granting your own power and permission to create whatever kind of life and business you damn well please, on the path that’s right for you.

Are you ready to set aside the “perfect business formula for a rooted business?

Safety and Trust

You get safe in your body and trust your intuition which creates the capacity and power to follow through on your commitments.

Radically Clear and Resourced

You incorporate foundational business structures with embodied wisdom, not just head-centered knowing, so you have confidence in the decisions you’re making, out of spaciousness rather than fear and obedience.

Permission for your Place and Pace

You grant yourself permission to take this work at the speed that’s right for you, in this season of your life and business. Designed for your long-term sustainability.

Growing Real Roots

And by staying in your magic and your gifts, by having faith and growing depth and real roots… you’ll create more money. For you, for your environment.

Because the world needs your voice. It needs your power. It needs the you-shaped business. Because you’ve got a personal mission and a community that needs your gifts.

We create a Radical and Rooted Business through a Radical Reclamation of your power, your compass, your business design, and your trust. We put you in right relationship with your business. And that reclamation and redesign creates ease, embodiment, and earnings.

If you’ve felt trapped, constantly performing, like you’ve had to ignore your instincts, ask yourself: are you following a Perfect Business Formula? 

Or are you in a Rooted Business?

It’s time for building deep roots.