Break through Strategic Overwhelm with Radical Clarity
Meet “Khloe”
Khloe has a BIG goal. She’s created a lofty target for her business this year and says “I’m going to work towards this goal!”.
And so she starts trying to do all the things. Start a community, be on 5 social media platforms every day, create a webinar, reconfigure her packages, rewrite her website, develop a speaker kit (who doesn’t want to speak!), take a course, try out a Lead Magnets funnel. Constantly switching her focus throughout the day and week.
And... after all of that...maybe do some human-to-human sales activity. (Maybe. When she has energy.)
But the revenue isn’t coming, and Khloe is exhausted.
So Khloe throws her hands up: “This isn’t working. What should I do next?”
The problem isn’t you or your perceived lack of clarity.
We are conditioned to operate ourselves and our businesses like machines: optimized for speed, efficiency, and predictability. Ignoring our intuition, our inner knowings, and the magic that’s possible in when we leave space.
We are praised for “going above and beyond” and assuming more effort equals more impact, at the cost of our bodies and souls.
We have been taught that if we aren’t getting results we’re doing it “wrong” - so work harder or or pay for an expert to show us how they’ve done it.
But I have some hard truths:
We aren’t built for consistent speed and linearity in our strategy.
We aren’t built for multi-tasking and taking on more for more results.
Your path is YOUR path. We have to make choices that align to our souls.
Where does Khloe go from here?
Step 1: Connect to your Body and the Ground
Let’s take a moment to slow down, recenter, and turn down our “fight, flight, or freeze” tendencies. And ground into the present moment.
Step 2: Claim Your Mission, Message, and Personal Blueprint
We want to create thriving and wealth in our lives. But there's also deeper why. A calling. A systemic imbalance you're fighting, a permission slip you want to see granted in the lives of others (h/t Chrissy Marquardt), and deeper wound you are hoping to heal with your life and work. Work that aligns with your soul, gifts, and genius- your personal blueprint.
And reconnecting with that knowing? That knowing is the true north guiding your strategy.
Step 3: Outline your North Star
We outline our North Star that works for us - our blueprint, our passions. Your North Star might be to be the next Mel Robbins, lighting up stadiums and reaching millions with your message. Your North Star might be to have a thriving community of 2000 customers who sing your praises and reliably shop with you. You might be on a mission to teach hundreds of humans about financial literacy in business. Or you might be on a mission to do creative projects, pay your bills/save/go on vacation and spend time outside every day.
Not every north star needs to be a six- or seven-figure business.
Step 4: Look for Waypoints appropriate for your Stage of the journey
The actions you take during the “spark” stage of your journey are very different than what you do once you’ve achieved product/market fit, worked with a number of clients, and are clear on your methodology and process.
What’s the main focus for you in your business now? How will you know when you have passed the next waypoint on the journey?
Falling in love with your idea and getting creative juices flowing
Early Awareness
Market Validation
Clarifying your Message and Methodology
Audience Building
Strengthening Your Back End
Sustainability and Next Steps
Step 5: Define your next experiments
Your business aspirations and inner knowings will certainly change over time, which is why we check in frequently through our planning cycles. But we have to get started with Next Steps. These are designed for learning and gathering information. The objective of the next step is to take a small step forward, take another small step forward, and look for feedback.
Your internal feedback of how things feel in your body. The external feedback of signal from the experiment.
Step 6: Identify the skills, practices, and identity shifts required
We have our North Star, our Waypoints, and our Next Steps. All of those steps require a change - a change in our skills, practices, or identity. What skills do you need to take on those next steps? What ongoing practices will support those next steps? Who do you need to BECOME for those next step